What can you expect?

Within our practice, each therapist has their area of focus. In addition, we keep each other informed about the latest developments during our monthly team meeting. As a result, you can contact any therapist with any question. Although you will be treated by a permanent physiotherapist, an entire team will therefore work on your recovery. At our Amstelcampus Sport & Fitness locations and Sports Center Universum, we make use of the modern, top sports-worthy facilities that the USC offers.

Op onze locaties, Amstelcampus Sport & Fitness en Sportcentrum Universum, maken we gebruik van de moderne en topsportwaardige faciliteiten van het USC.
Dit biedt ons de mogelijkheid om jou de best mogelijke begeleiding en revalidatie te geven in een professionele sportomgeving.

The intake

During the first appointment, your basic details will always be briefly reviewed. What is your address, your date of birth, how are you insured for physio, etc. Then we will identify your complaint and what you want to achieve.

After the anamnesis, we do a physical examination to make a good diagnosis. Sometimes part of the treatment can be started immediately afterwards and we will give advice before we plan any follow-up appointment for the actual treatment. If more information is needed to arrive at the correct diagnosis, it may be that a colleague is watching or that we do an ultrasound.

Bring your ID card with you to the intake.



In practice, we have various treatment techniques and options at our disposal, where the common thread will always be to keep you moving. It's not without reason that our motto is “movement is medicine”. If a joint does not move optimally, we can use Mulligan mobilisations or possibly manual techniques. In addition, dry needling is one of the tools we can use to relax muscles and then work on recovery through targeted exercises.

We appreciate if you bring a towel for the treatment. To practice in the gym or our rehearsal room, clean sportswear and a towel are required and we follow the USC house rules.



We work closely with our (fitness) colleagues at the USC at our Amstelcampus and Science Park locations. At the Roeterseiland health center, we have short lines of communication with the GPs at the UvA general practice and with a number of sports clubs at the Middenmeer sports park and within the USC, we have made agreements to be easily available to their members.

Op het Science Park bundelen we bovendien onze krachten met de sportdiëtisten van Voedingswijs en een sportmasseur, zodat we een complete ondersteuning kunnen bieden.In gezondheidscentrum Roeterseiland hebben we korte lijntjes met de huisartsen van Huisartsenpraktijk UvA, wat zorgt voor snelle en efficiënte communicatie.

Daarnaast werken we samen met diverse sportverenigingen op Sportpark Middenmeer, zoals AV’23, A.V.V. Zeeburgia en TOS Actief. Binnen het USC hebben we afspraken gemaakt om laagdrempelig en toegankelijk te zijn voor hun leden, zodat sporters altijd snel bij ons terechtkunnen voor advies en behandeling.

USCfysiotherapie intake

Our way of working

Within our practice, each therapist has his/her expertise. In addition, we keep each other informed about the latest developments. As a result, you can contact any therapist with any question. Although you will be treated by a permanent physiotherapist, an entire team will therefore work on your recovery.

The intake

We start with a clear diagnosis of the problem and determining the underlying cause is of course important.

Treatment plan

Together, we make a treatment plan. For UvA and HvA students, we offer the opportunity to train under the supervision of a physiotherapist.


We find it very important that you are properly helped. That is why we maintain close ties with a number of partners.


We also concluded a contract with all major health insurers in 2025 and therefore, provided you are additionally insured for physical therapy, 100% reimbursement according to the policy conditions.

You are responsible for taking out the correct insurance, but you can always contact us with questions about this. The rates below apply to uninsured patients.

Physiotherapy session


Long session


Intake and examination after referral


Screening / intake and examination


One-time Physiotherapy Consultation



*personal contribution of €25, - (in addition to the regular treatment rate for 1 session)

€ 25*

Second opinion shoulder or knee


Telephone consultation

(Only for patients already known to us)


Unfulfilled appointment

(Unfulfilled appointments are not reimbursed by the insurance company)


Do you still have questions?

Do I need a referral from my doctor or specialist?

No, if you think we can handle your complaint, you can contact us directly. We will then screen you first to see if we can actually help you.

Does the practice have contracts with my health insurer?

We have concluded contracts with almost all health insurers. If you are additionally insured for physical therapy, your treatment is therefore probably eligible for reimbursement.

How many treatments will I be reimbursed?

The overview of reimbursements from the supplementary insurances can be found in the policy terms and conditions that you have received from your insurer. Insurers almost always reimburse a number of treatments per year (not per case of illness).

The costs of physiotherapy for children under 18 are covered by the basic insurance (maximum eighteen treatments per year, per indication).

We keep track of how many treatments you have undergone with us and warn you in time if they are no longer reimbursed by your insurer. Ultimately, however, it remains your responsibility to monitor whether you are still eligible for reimbursement. For example, if you have previously been treated at another practice, we cannot see how many sessions have already been reimbursed. If you do not have additional insurance, you will receive an invoice from us.

I have a chronic condition, what about the reimbursement?

Patients with a condition that is on the chronic list are eligible for long-term treatment. In that case, a referral from the doctor or specialist is required. You pay (partly) for the first twenty treatments yourself or are paid for from your supplementary insurance, then the treatments are reimbursed under the basic insurance.

Attention! It is not the case that all conditions that you may suffer from chronically are also on the chronic list.

Can I indicate a preference for a treating therapist?

Yes, if you prefer a specific therapist or a male or female therapist, we will of course take that into account.

Will my doctor receive a treatment report?

Yes, unless you say you don't want to.

What do I need to bring to the first appointment?

If you come via the doctor or another referrer, you must bring the referral letter. Furthermore, a valid ID, your insurance card and a towel.

What are your rates?

We also concluded a contract with almost all major health insurers in 2024 and therefore, provided you are additionally insured for physical therapy, 100% reimbursement according to the policy conditions.

You are responsible for taking out the correct insurance, but you can always contact us with questions about this. The rates below apply to uninsured clients and to clients who are insured with a health insurer with whom we have not concluded a contract.

Physiotherapy session €42
Long session €84
Intake and examination after referral €53
Screening and intake €53
One-time Physiotherapy Consultation €84
Ultrasound: personal contribution of €20 (in addition to the regular treatment rate for 1 session)
Second opinion shoulder or knee €84
Telephone consultation €20 (only for patients already known to us)
Unfulfilled appointment* €30

*Unfulfilled appointments are not reimbursed by the insurance company.

Do you have house rules?

If we are unable to attend, we will let you know in time. We expect the same from you, preferably more than 24 hours in advance. If you unsubscribe later, we will charge you for the reserved time. This is not reimbursed by the health insurer.

Please wear clean shoes and clothing in the USC fitness rooms. And bring a towel to each appointment to cover the devices, where possible.

Respect the USC house rules.

Are you evaluating the treatment?

We are constantly trying to improve our services and will therefore email you a questionnaire after completion of the treatment about the quality of our guidance and your experiences with us. Please let us know if you don't want to receive this email.

I have a complaint, where can I go with it?

Questions or remarks? We'd love to help you! If you do have a complaint about the treatment and it is not resolved satisfactorily by us, we will be happy to bring you into contact with the Royal Dutch Society for Physical Therapy (KNGF). If your complaint is declared well-founded by them, the KNGF will mediate for you.

I did not find the answer to my question

Other questions can be emailed to info@uscfysiotherapie.nl or go to our contact page.